Plumes of silver sparks of varying height and duration, shoot up to create a glittering effect.
The first number shows the burn time (in seconds) and the second number shows the height (in feet). The height is defined as the top of the main plume, some sparks will go higher. For example: a 1/2 x 20 is a jet of 1/2 of a second duration that reaches a height of 20ft.
This effect can be referred to either as Jets or as Short Duration Gerbs.
Please note that red caps are no longer fitted or supplied with our Jets. If required, they can be sent out AT THE TIME OF ORDERING for an additional charge. However, should red caps be needed without the Jets themselves, they can also be purchased separately.
For holder options see Related Products link at bottom of the page.
There may be minimal fallout as all pyrotechnics can produce some remnants of hot and/or cold fallout. Risk assessments must be carried out when using all Le Maitre products and this should involve a test firing of the product.