The new Wireless Salamander Quad Pro is a completely wireless version of the highly popular Salamander Quad Pro.
It is battery powered, with integrated wireless COBRA firing systems technology. With an internal chargeable battery and no running cables, the Wireless Salamander Quad Pro can simply be put in place and switched on, making it easy, quick and safe to use.
The canister-based flame effect produces single continuous flames or flame bursts reaching up to 25ft in height when all four canisters are fired simultaneously, or up to 12ft if fired individually.
Chases are lightning fast and visually stunning, with fluid available in natural, red and green.
The Wireless Salamander Quad Pro is extremely safe. There are no internal valves or accumulators so gas never remains in the system once the canister has been removed and there is a tilt safety switch.
There is also an optional accessory, a separate pluggable and magnetic LED ARMed indicator. Operators can position the indicator anywhere on the machine to know its armed status, regardless of the orientation of the machine.
*Flame heights are approximate and depend upon fluid colour used
** Use of fluid other than Le Maitre will invalidate the warranty
The Wireless Salamander Quad Pro has completed its BETA testing and is currently being field tested. Leave your details here and we'll keep you updated on its progress and let you know when it is available.